The 12u Flyers just participated in the 2nd Annual Summer Jam Kick-Off Tourney this weekend. Check out some photos… [Show as slideshow]
The 12u Flyers competed in the PrimeTime Tournament this weekend. Here are a few pics of the action… [Show as slideshow]
As part of Final Four weekend, the NCAA offered a youth basketball clinic. Some of our Flyers attended… [Show as slideshow] 1 2 ►
Our team had a ball at the 2014 NCAA Dunk Contest. Check out a few pics… [Show as slideshow] 1 2 ►
Coach went to check out the NCAA Final Four teams practice… [Show as slideshow]
A few snapshots from the 2nd Grade Little Flyers, 4th Grade Flyers & 5th Grade Flyers team parties. [Show as slideshow]
Our 5th Grade Flyers had an incredible season! Check out some photos from the year. [Show as slideshow]
Our 4th Grade Flyers had an incredible season! Check out some photos from the year. [Show as slideshow]
Our Flyers family extended this year to a few younger brothers. The feisty Little Flyers represented in their first year playing together. Check out a few photos. [Show as slideshow]
A buddy of mine sent this clip to me. Thought I would share with all the dads out there. The real question is…which one are you??
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